Qsysopr Break Handling Program

Qsysopr Break Handling Program

Messages requiring a response will break into my current job. Other messages display, as they are received, on the message line without interrupting me. /* The following three input parameters are standard for a + 'Break Handling' program. Break mode by setting 'Message queue delivery' on the QSYSOPR profile. You might also want to look into the 'break handling program' settings on the message queue.

May 23, 2012 - Vol 2, Issue 9 Exit Points and Exit Programs - Explained and Illustrated Is There a Security Problem with IBM i? The IBM i security architecture is VERY robust when we take the time to properly configure our user applications and system settings. However, security exposures can be introduced by network-data-access tools like FTP and ODBC, but these do not indicate a failing on the part of IBM i security.

Qsysopr Break Handling Program

Rather, the object level authority(i.e. Permission) you provide to a user for 'green screen' access using menus and textual screens is usually not the same authority you want to allow using network tools like FTP and ODBC. The same object-level authority that enables a user to view the contents of the Payroll file is the same authority needed to download the file to a PC and post the content on the Internet. IBM recognized the potential areas for abuse and has provided an 'Exit Point' facility to let you control these sensitive network access points. This article describes how you can audit and control access using exit point programs. I'll specifically show you how to audit and control the FTP server logon process for the IBM i.

What exactly is an Exit Point? An exit point is simply a point in an application at which the application can optionally call an external program to perform customized processing. The IBM i FTP logon server application includes an exit point where you can hook your own program into the FTP logon processing logic to control who can log on and what will occur when a logon attempt is made.

To tell the FTP server that you have an exit program, you use the WRKREGINF (Work with Registration Information) or ADDEXITPGM (Add Exit Program) command. We'll see the actual ADDEXITPGM command shortly. Once you have registered your exit program, whenever a user attempts to log on to the FTP server, the server finds your program that's registered for the exit point, then calls your exit program, passing as parameters information about the user who's logging on.

Qsysopr Break Handling Program

Your exit program then processes that information and takes the appropriate action, according to the security rules you implement in the exit program. Upon return, your exit program passes back a flag to either ACCEPT or REJECT the logon attempt. Exit Point Names and Interfaces Each exit point has a name and an Exit Point Interface. The Exit Point Interface is a list of input and output parameters the IBM server program exchanges with your exit program. The QIBM_QTMF_SVR_LOGON exit point occurs immediately after a user enters a user ID and an authentication string (i.e., password) to log on to the FTP server. This exit point typically uses the TCPL0100 interface.

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