Realbasic Serial Communications

Realbasic Serial Communications

CommunicationsRealbasic Serial Communications

I am writing a simple code to find the USB to serial port in Windows platform, if the port is what I want (can be filt by VID/PID number), then the program will open the port. I use MonkeyBread plugin, WinUSBDeviceMBS, with property of VendorID and ProductID, I can select specific USB port. Sample code as following. Dim devices() As WinUSBDeviceMBS = WinUSBDeviceMBS.devices For Each d As WinUSBDeviceMBS in devices msgbox d.vendor+'-' + str(Hex(d.VendorID),'0000') + ' ' +d.product+'-' + str(Hex(d.ProductID),'0000')+d.serialnumber Next 'this will give you a message box with 'FTDI-0403 FT232R USB UART-6001 A60251HV' Also, with help of Serial.serialport.Name, I can get the COM port name for serial device. Dim i, count as Integer count = System.SerialPortCount for i = 0 to count - 1 Msgbox System.SerialPort( i ).Name next 'this will popup msgbox with 'COM1' or 'COM3'.

All the valid port number, but no vendor info or product info But I can't find a method to match those two together. Assuming you are only using Windows you will need to use the registry to get this information. You can get a list of all COM ports on the system here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE HARDWARE DEVICEMAP SERIALCOMM. Values will be listed according to their type, so a real serial port will show up with a name Device Serialn and data COMxx, other devices might be different.

If you look here you can find a name you can use to filter which type of device a COM port belongs to, then simply list these in your application. You can do this in Xojo by using the Declare statement to hook into the API of the Windows DLLs: Here is a document on the Registry API functions, they will be used as described here, but using the Declare statement mentioned above.

Download free typing games with cars races software downloads free. It was awhile back, when a thread was started about Realbasic, but I do not remember if the OP had gone ahead and started to develop with the language. Century arms golani review. I guess I am curious as to how many people here, are developing with Realbasic? I guess the next question is, what is the $99 version really worth, in terms of usage? What can you really do with it? A couple of months back I wrote a personal terminal program using freeBASIC, it does the job, but it is not a GUI. It also lacks an xmodem feature, which I assume Realbasic would be able to handle, and would have plenty examples as to how to do it?

Serial controls are used to perform serial communications. The Serial control can be instantiated via code since it is not a subclass of Control.

A few months ago I did a very serious investigation into moving from VB6 to RealBasic for the stuff I do at work. The nannyware on the dev package was an annoyance but not a deal-killer since that doesn't extend to the final products distributed to customers. The multi-platform support was a very big draw. But what killed it was the almost fanatical devotion to OOP without any workarounds; sometimes you actually need global variables or a way to look at the whole program at once in a big linear listing instead of as a single method at a time. I decided RB was about as different from VB6 as.NET was, in a way that made all my old stuff equally un-translatable, but not in a direction I really wanted to go. Sometimes you actually need global variables or a way to look at the whole program at once in a big linear listing instead of as a single method at a time.

Yes I agree and it has affected my choices of languages too. As an example I was writing some code where almost every function needed to know the location of a 'screen' pointer to draw pixels on the screen. Sure, you can pass the location from the main() to a sub function and then to a sub sub function. But there was one routine where I thought I would not need the location of 'screen' and so it was not passed. And this function was nested several deep.

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