Minecraft Avatar Ba Sing Se Map Download

Minecraft Avatar Ba Sing Se Map Download

Not familiar with Avatar cartoon series google it Its not a mega build but still is pretty large. I used a limited block palette to build with. Not finished yet so don't complain to me too much Coords 7 IMPORTANT I offer this map to the public free of charge in adherence to the.

Indian crowding in a city three times the size of NewYork.Scary. Well, India has about 1.3 billion people whereas the US has about 600 million or so. I think you've got your populations a little off. India has a population of 1.1 billion and the U.S. Has a population just slightly over 300 million. Ba Sing Se probably has a population that is well into the hundred thousands, maybe even above one million. People, he/she meant INDIANA, not INDIA.

The map of the Avatar World shows Ba Sing Se as nearly as large as than the Northern Continent, so I'm guessing we can consider that inaccurate (a lot of old maps show things that are important larger than they really are). However, according to the official webpage, the monorail was created by Earth King Yi Ming because it took two days to travel from one end of the city to another. Even assuming a slow traveling pace of 10 miles/day, that's a huge city for a mostly pre-industrial society.

If I recall correctly, the creators said that BSS was bigger than Los Angeles. So.I'm guessing it has a population well over 3 million. If I had to guess, I would say 5-7 million. That would be about the population size of NYC, so it's obviously huge. Although, I do think we have to take into consideration that they don't have skyscrapers, or even any buildings taller than four stories. THat means they can't cram in so many people. However, this brings up another important question: What is the population of the Avatar world?

How many people are there in each nation? How many Air Nomads were there? What about cities like Omashu, Gaoling, The Fire Nation Capital, or the Northern Water Tribe? And does the Fire Nation have huge, smoggy industrial cities with ten story buildings like some have predicted?

Sooo many questions. I think I have been inspired to make a new topic.

No it's a globe with the earth nation wrapping around before a large ocean to the fire-nation. I reject my previous comment in further thought that Ba Sing Se is only amillion people, in further thought the number is closer to ten million. In China,even during the medieval ages;the population was huge. The Earth nation is almost as large as the entirity of main-land asia and the populous of Ba Sing Se has sweeled to an amazing level. I dare say that the more in crisis and poor the Earth nation becomes;the more citizen it possesses.The Fire-nation,however has a poulation much smaller,even in it's capitol.

Minecraft Avatar Ba Sing Se Map Download

Hm, I always imagined the Avatar world smaller than ours. By the way, not all parts of the EK are suitable for population: large parts of it are desert or swamp- no good places for large communities.

As for the geographic shape of their world, I'm not sure but I have theories: If it's truly round isn't it odd that the FN conquered the EK from west to east. They could've sailed over the ocean and attacked from the eastern coast too, thus encircled their enemy's land and perhaps ended the war sooner.

Hell, they could've started a direct attack on BSS at the very begin of the war; the power of Sozin's comet could've been sufficient to take down the city, the rest would've been moping-up the remaining parts of the EK. As the FN patriot I am, I would've tried this. On the other hand, is ocean is perhaps too big to sail over (and tech at Sozin's time was surely more primitive than now). Who knows, maybe there are some continents yet to be discovered. I realize this is of topic but I felt I had to say that.

You have to remember that modern cities have high rise apartment dwellings while the ancient architecture of Ba Sing Se mostly have 1 or 2 story dwellings, save for the palace. I think Ba Sing Se would be comparable to ancient Rome. The estimated population of ancient Rome varies widely, but is usually estimated to be well over 1 million. Ba Sing Se looks to be several times the size or Rome, and is overcrowded with refugues. I think estimates of at least 5+ million would make sense.

« Last Edit: Feb 01, 2008 06:28 pm by Wenchiest » Logged. China has 4/6 of the population of the world I think. China's population is about 1/6 of the world. If we consider that the world has about 6 billion (and more) people, than your theory would mean that China's population is 4 billion. In reality, China (as of mid-2008) has about 1.3 billion people. I must say that I diagree with the idea that 90 percent of ATLA lives in Ba Sing Se.

Minecraft Avatar Ba Sing Se Map Download

Galliano a joyful noise unto the creator rar file. It is a HUGE city, but I don't think 90 percent of the world big. Remember we have Omashu, the Water Tribes, Swamp colonies, Sand Bender Colonies, the Fire Nation, thousands of smaller outlying cities and towns, and many, many other places we have seen.

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