16f628a Simple Programs

16f628a Simple Programs

ORIGINAL: selbstdual These are variables. What do they mean, in which context did you use them? Hmmm, no, they're commands (as specified in ICSP handbooks by Microchip) that you issue to the in-program part via Serial Clock-Serial Data (RB6-RB7).

I was suggesting modifying the code of your programmer, so that it was sending one command instead of another. Don't know if it's easy to do or not, but it was a suggestion for you. As for buying a new one, of course you (Paulsbergman) are right. But I've to say that I did learn some things (and it was also fun) while programming the programmer!

And had also much satisfaction when I could achieve a (draft) time for programming a 18F device which was 5-8 time faster than Microchip's one (don't remember exactly which one, it was a customer's one). $35.00 you can get an assembled and tested programmer (the PICkit2). Why are you waisting your time trying to build something that will never perform as well as the Microchip product This is like 'Oh windows/linux/etc. Doesn't work as I want it to. What can I do?' Answer from someone: 'Reinstall it'. This method is amateurish and only useful as long as no additional costs are included.

My USB-Ports are used, and my parallel port's pin 12 is destroyed. I was suggesting modifying the code of your programmer, so that it was sending one command instead of another. This command does not exist. So I search for an equivalent. In which programming context is it to be used? As for buying a new one, of course you (Paulsbergman) are right.

Regarding my first quote, pb is wrong. But I've to say that I did learn some things (and it was also fun) while programming the programmer! And had also much satisfaction when I could achieve a (draft) time for programming a 18F device which was 5-8 time faster than Microchip's one (don't remember exactly which one, it was a customer's one) That doesn't matter as long as it doesn't last for a minute for the 16F628A. ORIGINAL: selbstdual I was suggesting modifying the code of your programmer, so that it was sending one command instead of another. This command does not exist. So I search for an equivalent. In which programming context is it to be used?

Figure 5: A complete PIC assembly-language program. 010000100 The earliest computers were programmed by technicians writing binary. 16F628A timer circuit/program. 28 LED flash program. Saw 5 hindi dubbed movie download. This program makes a LED flash at. The internal 4 MHz RC- oscillator is used.

Hmmm, well, it's used every time you program a cell. So, a kind of inner loop, that code should repeat for every cell. I used the same syntax, i.e. Borrowed it from ICSP PDFs (if you take a loot at one of them, you 'll find that kind of command). I then created a table for my own use: // serie 12.16 C/F #define LOAD_CONFIGURATION 0 // 000000B, Invia al PIC il prossimo dato da scrivere in memoria programma. Al codice comando segue immediatamente il dato da memorizzare.

#define LOAD_CONFIGURATION_FOR_UNPROTECT 0x3f // 111111B, (v. Datasheet programming 16F627, DS39025c) #define UNPROTECT_CODE_1 1 // 000001B (v. Datasheet programming 16F874, DS39025c) #define LOAD_DATA_FOR_PROGRAM_MEMORY 0x2 // 000010B, Invia al PIC il prossimo dato da scrivere in memoria dati. Al codice comando segue immediatamente il dato da memorizzare. #define READ_DATA_FROM_PROGRAM_MEMORY 0x4 // 000100B, Legge dal PIC la locazione corrente dall’area programma. Appena riceve questo comando il PIC trasmette al programmatore il valore letto. #define INCREMENT_ADDRESS 0x6 // 000110B, Incrementa il puntatore alla locazione corrente nella memoria dati/configurazione/programma.

Html simple programs

#define UNPROTECT_CODE_2 0x07 // 000111B (v. Datasheet programming 16F874, DS39025c) #define BEGIN_PROGRAMMING 0x8 // 001000B, Programma la locazione corrente.

(cancella anche, su FLASH) #define BEGIN_PROGRAMMING_ONLY 0x18 // 011000B, Programma la locazione corrente. #define END_PROGRAMMING 0xE // 001110B, #define LOAD_DATA_FOR_DATA_MEMORY 0x3 // 000011B, Invia al PIC il prossimo valore da scrivere in memoria dati. Al codice comando segue immediatamente il dato da memorizzare. #define READ_DATA_FROM_DATA_MEMORY 0x5 // 000101B, Legge dal PIC la locazione corrente dalla memoria dati.

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